A Clean Classroom Is a Healthy Classroom

keep-calm-and-clean-up-190New teachers know this better than anyone: schools are a magnet for germs. The first few years of teaching generally include a rigorous series of colds and fevers for new staff, contracted from a student body of kids who are building up their own immune systems.

Despite this, there are ways to keep your classroom spic and span and as healthy as possible. The following tips are custodian-approved tricks of the trade that we at Camberg Commercial Cleaning encourage teachers to use to cure classrooms of the common cold.

Wipe It Down on the Regular

Teachers and support staff do well to prevent the spread of germs by wiping down desktops, counters, sinks, soap and towel dispensers between classes, especially during Winter or Spring flu season. Go the extra mile and wipe down door frames and handles and even walls – any place where little hands venture. Use a sanitizer and microfiber cloth towel to keep colds and viruses at bay.

Keep Supplies Handy

Cleaning supplies are never there when you need them, unless you stock them ahead of time. The following items should always be ready and waiting in your classroom cabinet so you can respond to spills and other sanitary emergencies with lightning speed:

  • Tissues

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Sanitizing wipes

In addition to supplies, teach good hygiene to the children in your classrooms by asking them to cover their sneezes and coughs and wash their hands immediately after doing so. The results are two-fold: great manners and less germs.

Minimize Clutter

Germs love to hide in objects touched and shared by little hands. Bean bag chairs, recliners, rugs, and sofas are the perfect homes for dust, dust mites, pet dander, and pathogens, all of which can trigger asthma and aggravate colds. Remove items that you do not absolutely need, many of which may actually be obstructions in your classroom.  Make sure that surfaces can be cleaned and wiped down easily, as desks and counters collect dust, particularly when covered by paper, paint sets, and other objects. Organizing your classroom can be an empowering experience that enables you to provide a healthier space for both you and your students.

Germs are invisible, but signs of their existence are never more apparent than in schools. Keeping your classroom environment clean and tidy is an excellent way to minimize illness in both yourself and your students.

For more cleaning tips and services, give Camberg Commercial Cleaning a call!

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